A free interactive book, covering directives, modules, services, controllers, routing, and more.

More than a book

  • Live coding environment

    Change, break, tweak, and expand

    Every Angular example in the book is editable and run within a sandboxed JavaScript environment, just like in Plunker or jsFiddle, but with the appearance of a book. Since the examples execute on every change, you'll never need to worry if the code actually works.

  • Ready-to-use API Server

    The sample app is the real deal

    Not only are Angular and associated libraries live in the pages of the book, all server interactions are live as well, backed by a working RESTful API server, just like on a real project.

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The first edition of Angular Basics, covering Angular 1.x, is available online completely free.

As the author, I'm absolutely overjoyed about this. It's been a work of love and I want to reach as many people as possible. Please share it with your friends! And, most importantly, please stay in touch! To hear about updates to the book, I encourage you to join the mailing list. You will only receive important, infrequent emails, and of course you can unsubscribe with just a click.

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The author

My mission is to change the way we learn programming

The author

My mission is to change the way we learn programming

  • I got the idea for ScriptyBooks several years ago, while reading an e-book about JavaScript programming on my MacBook Air. Wanting to run one of the examples, I downloaded an archive from the publisher's web site, puzzled over where to expand it, navigated through a hierarchy of directories, and finally opened the correct file in an editor. Then I realized I had to create an HTML document to hold the fragment. Even then it didn't run, and I went on a hunt for dependencies.

  • Why, if I was reading a book about a front-end technology on a computer, should I have to go through so much pain just to run the examples? A short time later I discovered the first edition of Marijn Haverbeke's book Eloquent JavaScript, and realized I could use his CodeMirror project to realize my own vision: An e-book that looked great, with beautiful type and a clean layout; but with editable, runnable code examples, right there in the text.

  • Chris Smith

    Web Developer and Author

    Twitter | GitHub

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What People Are Saying

What People Are Saying

Praise for the author's recent interactive book,

“This is a truly amazing concept, and your implementation seems nearly flawless. I really think it might be a game changer in the world of programming literature.”

Simon Hicks

“Backbone + CoffeeScript by @quartzmo is incredibly well done. It's not just a book, it's an experience.”

Eric Berry

“So far so good! Taking it all in, really well done book. Tired, but too interested to stop.”

Sam Barnum

“Very nice way to "read" about code — extremely helpful to be able to live-tinker with the code and see what happens when you do.”

Chriztian Steinmeier

“Dang this is cool. I have to say you have done a bang up job with inlining the test environment right into the book. Very cool.”

Michael Natkin
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